We're getting older...

I don't want to be very graphic about my activities, late yesterday afternoon. Suffice it to say that having several gloved medical personnel prying open your buttocks so that another may cut and scrape away offending blood clots from your anus, is not an enjoyable occurrence. I rank it up there with root canal or having my toenail removed (I had hemorrhaging below my big toenail and it was getting infected - they had to remove the entire toenail to get to it).

I guess it's a sign of age, that the last few years I've had to undergo so many procedures. Things that ten years ago I barely knew existed. How we change...

My wife turns 39 today. I turn 39 on Sunday. I married an older woman.

This will be our last year before we hit the big ***40***. Funny, how I used to consider 40 as being old. Now, I'm vigorously trying to view it as a new beginning. We'll see. I have a whole year left to ponder it.


Anonymous said…
Well. That certainly sounds very unpleasant. I wish you, and your butt, a speedy recovery!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Mick said…
Thanks Random!
lady godiva said…
despite the pleasant visuals....

happy birthday to you both!!!!!!
A said…
Mick, so sorry! Ouch! Well, if it helps to know, I started a long series of long-overdue dental visits today. Spent most of the day with my mouth feeling like a soccer ball. I'm only recovering just now...yuck.

And my teeth hurt. Nothing big, just some cavities, a crown over some old fillings, another crown over a tooth that's cracked. Yep, the teeth are getting old, anyway! *laughs*

Happy Birthday! Hey, take a tip from me; start calling yourself by the next year a good 3 months or so before you turn that year. Eases the pain..

Oh hey! I've been listening again to Silvio Rodriguez, that "Oleo de una mujer con sombrero" song again. I just *adore* it, thank you again for introducing it to us. :-)
Mick said…
Thank you all for your kind birthday wishes!

And Amber, I'll take the three month headstart sugestion under consideration. Advice from somebody who can truly appreciate the beauty of a Silvio Rodriguez song must be properly heeded!
Holly said…
Ouch - sounds painful! However, I hope your wife had a wonderful birthday and you have a wonderful one on Sunday! Forget the age - I celebrate anniversaries now - like the 13th anniversary of my 30th birthday - you get the drift! :-)

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