
Green Parakeets 

Close up! 
I took some pictures of these birds this morning, as I was warming up my car to go to work. I see them around quite often, but this time I actually ran inside, pulled out the camera and snapped a few pictures. Unfortunately, I don't have a zoom on my digital and they flew off as soon as I approached them. This is the most I could spread the layout without losing too much resolution.
I'm always somewhat awestruck by the fact that these birds live around here. It seems like they belong in a more tropical setting, or maybe in a jungle somewhere. Not that I know a thing about birds, it's just my impression. Hell, I'm not even sure if they're parakeets! But they're a beautiful tone of green and they have parakeet-like beaks.
Anyway, if anybody knows what these guys are doing in South Florida I'd love to hear about it.


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