Why do we blog? Hmm...

Debbie was asking this question in response to a comment I made earlier. This is what I came up with:

Well, now you've got me thinking...what the hell was I referring to?
I guess what I meant to say is that, regardless of your initial purpose when you started your blog, there is a certain pressure to produce once you get an audience.
Having people read your stuff is an incentive to keep putting it out there, and whether we admit it or not, we want people to keep coming back to see if we wrote anything else worthwhile. Otherwise we would just keep our writing to ourselves, and maybe just save it for posterity on our hard drive.
Once you begin writing to please others it becomes a task, and then the whole thing becomes more difficult. And trust me, whether you want to now or not, or whether your only purpose is to release your mental notes uninhibitedly, you will want people to read your blog.


Mick said…
I expect you're right. Still, I somehow relate blogs to diaries or journals, which even though we don't want anyone we know reading them, privately we wish somebody bore witness to our clever and witty remarks!

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