Yesterday afternoon I was running a little late. My boss and I discovered somebody's screwup, and it was up to us to clean it up.

I knew my wife had dinner in the oven. We'd spoken only about an hour before and I'd told her I'd be on my way soon. So, good and considerate husband that I am, I decided to call her again and let her know I'd be awhile. My daughter answered the phone (four and a half years old):

HER: Halloooo?

ME: Hi baby!

HER: Hi Daddy! I love you!!!

ME: I love you too!

HER: Can I have some chocolate time when you get home? You're workin', but when you get home and we eat dinner can I have some chocolate time?

(I inherited this routine from my grandfather - we have chocolate only as a reward after dinner when she's eaten her entire meal. And then we make this whole production where I ask her, "What time is it?" and she comes back with "IIIIIIIT'S CHOCOLATE TIME!!!!!!!)

ME: Sure sweetie, we'll see...

HER: You know it's goin' to be Kwismas someday? And then Halloween, and your birday, and mommy's birday, and my birday...

ME: Yes honey, I know. Can I speak with your Mommy please?

HER: And Easter, and then Valentine's...I wanna go swimming!

ME: We'll talk about it later, baby can you please...

HER: Can you take me to the park? Can we go to the park with the fire truck? Then we take Rocky to the puppy park and we go to McDonald's and get Chicky and Fra fries!

ME: Honey, your mother's making dinner...

HER: Can you get me a slurpy? Please???!!!

ME: Baby, we'll see. Can you get your mother...?

HER: Can we get a slushie at the baseball game? Can we? I wanna go to the awena and see Shaq attack! Please???!!!

ME: Christina! I have to speak with your mother! Please! Put her on!

HER: But I wanna tell you somethin'...

ME: Well, what is it? For crying out loud,  I'm busy!

HER: I miss you Daddy...when you comin' home?


Man! Doesn't that just make you feel like an asshole?


Anonymous said…
Yup. But, we've all been there so don't feel too bad about it. I personally use episodes like that to try to remind myself to be more patient the next time.

Mick said…
You're right, of course. It just seems like we never fully learn the lesson, and we catch ourselves doing all the things our parents did, which we swore we'd never do ourselves.
A said…
Awww...Mick, you're human, you know. That was very sweet. Don't worry, she's already over any hurt feelings she may have had. Why? Because you love her and she knows that.

That's all kids want; their parents unconditional love. Snapping at her doesn't change her knowledge of that. She knows it on a level so deep, it's part of her soul.
A said…
Oh, and I LOVE your new template! Black is so hard for me to read; I always have spots in front of my eyes afterwards. Kudos!
Mick said…
Thanks Amber. And I know what you mean. I liked the look of the black template, but it made for very cumbersome reading.
Nobody said…
I always love reading stories like that. Out of the mouth of babes!
Mick said…
Thanks for the kind comments ladies!
a broad said…
Are you kidding? You have the patience of a saint... and that angel of a daughter of yours will always love and understand her wonderful daddy, unconditionally.
lady godiva said…
human...yes we all are
aren't we...

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