Blogging crisis!

I can't blog!

Every single attempt, however slight, to post something has been interrupted by some inconvenient, urgent, can-not-wait issue that requires my immediate attention!!


My work is interfering with my blogging!

I'll be back when time permits...


lady godiva said…
don't you hat it when that happens?
Holly said…
Well at least we know you are still alive! We'll be waiting for that nasty old work to stop interferring! :-)
Helen said…
I HATE it when real life interferes with blogging...

Sarah McBroden said…

My mother always says the good things are worth waiting for. I have a lot of patience.

Damn work.
Sarah McBroden said…
Is the crisis over yet?

Taps foot.

I lied about having a lot of patience.

Can you tell?

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