Working again

It always seems like I'm in the wrong business.

I don't recall a single job I've had, where I was off for a holiday weekend.

Had lunch with a friend of mine today. He's taking off with his girlfriend tomorrow evening, driving out to Orlando where he'll stay until Sunday at another friend's timeshare resort. How do all these people get so much time off?

I'm going to be coming in on Thanksgiving, at least half a day, if things go well. I'll have my daughter with me. No day care service on Thanksgiving Day. No big deal really, we don't have any plans. We usually had everybody over to our house, but this year things are different. My sister's out of town, but I'm still puzzled that we didn't get any invitations from anyone. Not that I feel like going anywhere, but it would have been nice to be asked.

I'm planning on buying a ham and putting up our Christmas decorations. Christina's been driving me crazy to do that, so she should enjoy it. That, and throwing up some balls on the new hoop I'm putting in tonight. It'll be okay. At least we've got each other.


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